Thornton Eletrônica Ltda., emerged in 1968. It was the result of the union of Thornton Elétrica Ltda., a manufacturer of battery charging devices founded in 1956, and Inpec - Indústria de Produtos Eletrônicos e Cerânicos, from 1963, producer of battery cores. ferrite, ultrasound equipment and piezoelectric crystals.


Thornton began its journey as a small company that only had its own resources and a firm determination to work. Its action was based on an ambitious purpose: to become a major contributor to the country's technological advancement.


Today, over 50 years old, Thornton is a pioneer in its field and market leader in Brazil.


It can be said that Thornton is present in our daily lives. In simple activities, such as turning on the light, using the telephone, or even using an escalator or elevator, we check for the presence of ferrite.


Ferrite covers the most varied segments: telecommunications, household appliances, television, electronics, automobiles, among others.


In this way, Thornton aims to always provide the best service and total quality assurance in its products, reaffirming its purpose of collaborating with the country's technological advancement.



































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